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New “Self-Financing Through Energy Savings” Payment Method Introduced To The Sheraton.

AMMAN, Jordan – On February 22nd, 2019, ATG replaced all existing air-conditioning units at the Sheraton Hotel, Amman, and installed energy-saving DAIKIN Invertor Chillers with a capacity of 600 tons and an expected reduction of over 40% in annual energy costs when compared with the old system.

To finance this project, ATG offered the Sheraton a pioneering payment strategy whereby the project cost would be paid from its annual energy savings without any initial capital cost.

By March 14th, 2019, all the new units had been installed in record-breaking time without impacting any of the hotel’s operations. Since then, the energy savings rate has exceeded all expectations and has been ranging between 52% – 68%, thus enabling the Sheraton to cover the entire project’s cost through its savings in less than three years.